Treasury Wine Estate - [DOCX Document] (2024)

University of South AustraliaSchool of Marketing

MARK 5033 – Marketing Strategy and Planning

Group Assignment cover sheet

Group Assignment name: TWE Group

Details of group members:First, using the table below, allocate a member number to each person in this group.

Member Number

Student Name Student ID UNISA e-mail address

1 YUTING HUANG 110112497 [emailprotected]

2 SHUFAN WANG 110120749 [emailprotected]

3 YINGXU LI 110074891 [emailprotected]

Contribution rating:Member Number

Rating bymember 1

Rating by member 2

Rating by member 3

Student signature

1 40% 40% 40% YUTING HUANG

2 40% 40% 40% SHUFAN WANG

3 20% 20% 20% YINGXU LI

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1.0 Exclusive summary.........................................................................................................5

2. Introduction.................................................................................................................................6

2.1 Global vision of wine market..............................................................................................62.2 About TWE.........................................................................................................................82.3 Focus on China...................................................................................................................92.4 Current Situation...............................................................................................................13

2.4.1 Internal situation....................................................................................................132.4.2 External situation...................................................................................................142.4.3 Competition situation.............................................................................................15

2.4.4 Current consumers’ situation.........................................................................................162.5 Project Approach...............................................................................................................17

4.0 TWE’s current strategy..........................................................................................................21

5.0 Marketing Strategy.................................................................................................................23

5.1 Mission and direction................................................................................................235.2 Targeting and Positioning Decisions.................................................................................23

5.2.2 High-Flyers segment..............................................................................................245.2.3 Upstarts Segment...................................................................................................245.2.4 Positioning.............................................................................................................24

6.0 Marketing strategy and planning for luxury brands...........................................................25

6.1 Planning direction and objectives.....................................................................................256.2 Planning for distribution channels and logistics...............................................................256.3 Planning for communications and influence.....................................................................266.4 Planning for products and brands......................................................................................286.5 Product Mix......................................................................................................................306.6 Products Attributes............................................................................................................306.7 Products Life Cycle..........................................................................................................306.8 New Product Development...............................................................................................316.9 Marketing Programs (2015)..............................................................................................31

7.0 Planning for Commercial brands..........................................................................................41

7.1 Specific Objectives...........................................................................................................417.2 Brands & Products............................................................................................................417.3 Why branding top 3 foundational brands first?.................................................................427.4 Why choose these brands?................................................................................................437.5 Regions of China..............................................................................................................437.6 Human recourse & marketing teams.................................................................................447.7 Distribution channels........................................................................................................447.8 Marketing Communications tools.....................................................................................467.9 Customer Service..............................................................................................................477.10 Marketing Programs and Budgeting...............................................................................47

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8.0 Metrics and control................................................................................................................57

8.1 Expectation of luxury wine..............................................................................................598.2 Expectation of commercial wine.................................................................................59

9.0 Conclusion..............................................................................................................................62

Appendix 1 shows the portfolio of Treasury Wine Estate..........................................................63

Appendix 2 Brand Awards in FY13 (Cited From TWE’s Annual Report 2013).....................64

Appendix 3 Rose only...................................................................................................................66

Appendix 4 ASC Fine Wine.........................................................................................................67

Appendix 5 Marco analysis..........................................................................................................68

Appendix 6 Internal analysis.......................................................................................................73

Appendix 7 Competitor analysis..................................................................................................78

Appendix 8 Market & Consumers..............................................................................................83

Appendix 9 Industry Analysis......................................................................................................89


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1.0 Exclusive summary

Treasury Wine Estates is an established Australian wine company. Generally, the wine

market has shown the sign of increase in the global market. This paper mainly focuses

on Chinese market which is considered as exciting potential wine consumption

country. The current strategy of TWE is maintaining the sales of commercial brands

while increasing luxury wine brands.

In the consideration of Chinese wine market, the marketing strategy needs to be

changed into maintaining luxury brands, however growing commercial wine brands.

Marketing team of TWE in China would recruit a group of professional sales

managers and train numbers of sales person who are aware of Chinese culture and

consumer behaviors. The team would be separated into two departments, one is

focusing on commercial brands and the other is concentrating on luxury brands.

Different departments have respective objectives and programs to fulfill the success of

the business in China.

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2. Introduction

2.1 Global vision of wine market

The wine industry has become progressively globalized over past decade. The market

is constantly restructuring from its fundamental basis in order to comply with the

trend of this development (Thorpe, 2009).

It has been pointed out that the wine export volume of Chile and South Africa has

been increasing since 2013 while Australian wine exportation has been fall into a

crisis of decreasing in volume (General Administration of Customs of the People's

Republic of China, 2013). According to the Rabobank (2014) second quarter report,

the sparkling wine that produced by Italy increased its exportation volume by 40.2%

in the year of 2014, however the red wine exportation of Italy decreased at 4.4% in

2014, though its exportation value rose up at 7.3% (Rabobank, 2014).

In the continent of Europe, the export volume of Spain has dropped 10.9% while

exportation value increased 6.5% which achieved 260 million due to the increased

average price in Spanish in early 2013 (Rabobank, 2014). However, during the second

half year of 2013, the average price slightly decreased until January 2014, which

motivated a small boom of sales volume. Since Spain achieved an excellent grape

harvest, Rabobank predicts that Spain would have a continuous trend of increasing in

wine exportation this year (Rabobank, 2014). Nevertheless, in 2013 US’s exportation

of wine increased 6% with 11% decrease in exportation value (Rabobank, 2014). In

addition, Chile has been enjoying its remarkable escalation in both exportation

volume (+50%) and value (+4.9%) (Rabobank, 2014).

The report also indicated that bulked wine occupied more than half of market share in

the present exportation of wine.

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Graph 1 Total Global Wine Exportation (Bulked Wine)

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 20120









Total Global Wine Exportation (Bulked Wine)Total Wine Exportation

(Rabobank, 2014)

World production of wine has stabilized over the last decade despite a sharp decline in

an earlier decade (Thorpe, 2009). This has been accompanied by increasing

production of wine in a growing number of new world wine (NW) producer while

falling output in the old world (OW) wine producing countries such as France, Italy

and Spain (Thorpe, 2009). The OW contributed 43% of global wine production that

dropped from 54% in 2010, and 25 per cent of global consumption of wine that

decreased from 35% in the year of 2010 (Morgan Stanley Australia Limited+, 2013).

Wine production from NW has constituted enormous threats and challenges towards

OW in rapidly expanding in the third markets (especially in Chinese market).

Treasury Wine Estates, as the new representative of NW wine has huge potential yet

to be discovered and developed in the future.

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Graph 2 Global Wine Industry- Production and Consumption 2013e1










World Wine Consumption

Fance Italy US Germany SpainChina Argentina UK Russia Romania

(Morgan Stanley Australia Limited+, 2013)












World Wine Production

Italy France Spain US Argentina ChinaAustralia Germany South Africa Chile Russia EX-top 10

(Morgan Stanley Australia Limited+, 2013)

2.2 About TWE

Treasury Wine Estates (TWE) is unique global wine organization with over than 80

wine brands including Penfolds, Wolf Blass, Rosemount, Lindemans, Catello di

1 e=MS estimates 8 / 93

Gabbiano, Pepperjack, Wynns Coonawara etc.. Since the establishment of Australian

Penfolds by Dr. Christopher Rawson Penfold and his wife Mary at Adelaide in 1844, a

winemaking legacy of new world wine has been created. With 12,000 hectares of

vinetards and 19 wineries over the world, the sales of TWE about 32 million 9L cases

and NSR (net sales revernue) about $1.6 billion, more than 4,000 employees are

working for the company across 12 countries.

Table 1 comparison of region performance between 4 main regions in 2013.

Region Volume(m 9L cases) NSR $m NSR per cases EBITS EBITS margin

ANZ 8.6 600.8 70.22 110.1 18.3%

AMERICAS 30.4 704.0 45.69 66.8 9.5%

EMEA 6.7 248.5 37.08 16.0 6.4%

ASIA 1.4 135.4 97.14 54.5 40.3%

2.3 Focus on China

Asia is an exciting area for TWE because it presents 26 per cent of the whole profit

(TWE 2013). The key markets in Asia region are Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and

Great China etc. In the year of 2013, the NSR of TWE grown to $135.4 million and

the organization predicted a continue increase of sales in the year of 2014 (TWE

2013). The import wine market in China has the greatest potential worldwide and

drive increasing international suppliers to export grape wines to this region (Mitry

2009). Statistics from China Customs, the volumes of Chinese import grape wines

were 376,841,194 L (decreased 4.46% compared with 2012), and the value was 1,

555, 638, 5479 USD (decreased 1.64%). Even though there is a slight down trend, no

denying that China is still a potential market whose volumes of import wine increased

6 times since 1978 (Ritman 2012).

Here are some statistics of import wines, both bottled wines and bulked wines

from China Customs:

Table 2 Top 10 Regions of Import Bottled Wines in 2013

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Rank Country Volume (L) Value(USD)

1 France 128,735,587 658,507,721

2 Australia 36,408,820 225,983,524

3 Chile 25,528,775 100,024,112

4 Spain 19,758,556 91,657,801

5 Italy 19,649,249 90,111,606

6 America 12,697,990 73,563,958

7 Argentina 4,477,105 22,454,792

8 South Africa 4,592,477 22,294,873

9 New Zealand 1,910,200 19,834,972

10 German 3,441,175 18,892,546

The volume of bottled wines went to 287, 748, 3 L (increased 5.47 per cent compared

with 2012), and the value went to 1,447,822,358 USD (increased 0.7 per cent

compared with 2012).

Table 3 Top 8 Regions of Import Bulked Wines in 2013

Rank Country Volume (L) Value(USD)

1 Chile 58,061,618 66,636,691

2 Spain 12,662,298 12,644,885

3 France 5,798,444 10,115,525

4 Australia 4,158,253 7,049110

5 America 2,957,437 5,165,058

6 South Africa 1,975,812 1,661,403

7 Portugal 975,798 988,731

8 Italy 288,548 987,872

The volume of Bulked wines down to 89,092,809 L (decreased 26.67 per cent

compared with 2012), and the value down to 107,816,189 USD (decreased 25.21 per

cent compared with 2012).

Table 4 Top 10 Provinces of Import Bottled Wines in 2013

Rank Region Volume (L) Value(USD)

1 Shanghai 89,881,728 487,613,128

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2 Guangdong 60,971,972 303,009,474

3 Beijing 21,137,575 120,308,128

4 Zhejiang 22,463,847 73,877,907

5 Fujian 26,972,568 81,671,220

6 Shandong 16,195,467 73,877,907

7 Tianjin 11,143,367 55,653,035

8 Jiangsu 12,761,023 53,885,414

9 Liaoning 4,005,169 29,243,871

10 Sichuan 2,261,582 14,838,958

From the statistics above, it is obviously shown that Shanghai, Guangdong and

Beijing, as the main consumption region of import bottled wines, occupied over 60%

of the whole market share, and they occupied 31.2%、21.2% and7.3% of the whole

market share separately.

Table 5 Top 10 Provinces of Import Bulked Wines in 2013

Rank Region Volume (L) Value(USD)

1 Shandong 46,716,017 55,769,571

2 Hebei 26,077,136 28,747,212

3 Guangdong 4,103,034 6,634,921

4 Shanghai 4,214,961 5,750,016

5 Tianjin 2,547,930 3,122,272

6 Fujian 1,617,811 2,819,476

7 Beijing 1,251,246 1,601,215

8 Jiangsu 1,538,054 1,383,264

9 Zhejiang 124,572 494,308

10 Xinjiang 192,000 293,255

Compared with statistics of import bottled wines, top 3 regions of import bulked

wines are Shandong, Hebei and Guangdong. Shandong and Hebei provinces, which

are undeveloped regions, occupied over than 80% of the market share.

Current distribution systems of import wines

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Main origins of import wines

Main import retailers

Distribution Channels



Supermarket Convenience Store Souvenir Boutique






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2.4 Current Situation

2.4.1 Internal situation

As mentioned at Appendix 6, there are several strengths and weakness of TWE. Here,

the internal situation mainly focuses on TWE’s serious issue.

Firstly, TWE has faced a stressful financial situation recently. Based on TWE’s annual

report, it is easy to find that TWE’s cash and cash equivalents decreased more than

60%, which should be taken seriously. The reasons can be concluded as: (1) Too many

brands used by TWE lead to cost of large capital, because each brand need different

fees to maintain in terms of management and advertising. (2) Some luxury brands are

still on building which shows that high invest but low returns in short time.

Secondly, incomplete distribution system in TWE required to be improved as soon as

possible. It can be noticed that the distribution network still has problems need to be

fixed. The reasons include: (1) The poor wine knowledge of importers and retailers

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lead to hard expand wine culture to customers; (2) The sales management lack of

wine background affect the poor marketing efficiency. All of this incomplete

distribution network could affect the TWE’s revenue and profits directly.

2.4.2 External situation

Here, the TWE’s situation mainly based on PESTEL analysis, which are political

factor, Economic factor, Social-culture factor, Technological factor, Economic factor

and Legal factor. For TWE, some significant trends of the Chinese macro

environment on the wine industry and what are the implications for TWE marketing

strategy will be discussed in following graph.

Business Trends Implication Opportunity/Threat

Political: Reduction in tariffAnti-corruption

Impacts on TWE’s business OpportunityThreat

Economic:Increased in income of Chinese people

Improvement of imported wine in item sales and vales


Social culture:Urbanization

Enhancing brand awareness by western educated



More channels to sell imported wine Increasing customer


Ecological:Haze weather

Might barriers of explore Chinese market strategy


Legal:Government against drunk drivingSafety low of imported and exported food

Impact of development of imported wineReduction in imported wine quantity


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2.4.3 Competition situation

According to the appendix 7’s competition analysis, the competition situation of TWE

in China can be concluding as:

(1) TWE’s wine shows better quality but higher price in China. While compare with

Chang Yu, the TWE’s price shows in TWE’s Annual Report & Chang Yu Pioneer

Wine Co. Ltd. 2013 Semi-annual Report, indicates that the price of TWE Luxury

brand is 10 times higher than that in Chang Yu. And the price of commercial and

medium brands of TWE is significant higher as well. Although the TWE’s wine has

quality advantage, this price gap has affected TWE’s market competitiveness

significantly in China.

(2) The market position of old world wine in China affects TWE’s wine export. The

research from China Customs 2013 shows that France, as a famous region of old

world wines, takes over than 35 per cent of the whole volume of import wines. This

old world wine always shows high quality and long history. Since this old world wine

still a major import wine in China, TWE’s wine as new world wine export to China

will be affect significantly. This is because the wine of TWE and the old world wine

has similar characteristics which are both expensive and high quality.

(3) Fake wine are popular in China also affects TWE’s wine export. Based on the

research from the most popular electrical commerce website ( in

China, the congeneric wine of TWE like Bin 389 only sale 25-150RMB, while this

need to cost 500-600 RMB bought from TWE. In Chinese wine market, plenty of

clients lack of distinguishing the fake and real wine. Therefore this may disturb

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TWE’s market occupancy and profits.

2.4.4 Current consumers’ situation

It is necessary to analyze the TWE’s target consumer in China means that TWE has to

understand the consumers’ culture, hobbits, behavior, dissimilarity and so on. Here,

the situation of consumers in China could affect TWE can be shows as:

(1) Consumers’ Disposable Income is quite low in China (See Appendix table 1). This

situation indicates that most of Chinese consumers will only spend money on

necessities in daily life, while only small part of rich consumers will buy the luxury

products. TWE’s wine mainly focuses on luxury brand and normally is expensive to

most Chinese.

(2) Confucian Tradition in Chinese could reduce the requirement of wine. Confucian

tradition is the main culture that has affected Chinese activity for 5000 years. Chinese

consumers nowadays are influenced by this particular culture more or less (Wong &

Aaron, 1998). Under this tradition’s affect, consumers who are rich or has high social

status would need to buy a luxury wine. Others seems to very low demand for the red

wine in China.

(3) Red wine is more popular in a business dinner in China ((Liu & Murphy, 2007).

The term of occasion in Chinese is mainly focus on who the one socialize with rather

than the place. Normally a bottle of red wine is necessary when people discussing

about the business deals on dinner time, no matter younger or older generation.

Because this red wine can be considered as respecting to the clients and shows that

they have higher social status.

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2.5 Project Approach

This report will develop a marketing strategy plan includes specific marketing

programs as well as supervision and control methods spanning from 2014 to 2015

for Treasury Wine Estates Australia in Chinese market based on the insight of a

comprehensive analysis of internal and external environment, industrial and

competitors and consumer behaviors. Chinese market is chosen to be to focus in this

repost not only because its current fast growing wine market and foreseeable

continuous development but also Australia is one of the major wine exporter to this


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3.0 SWOT analysisSTRENGTH



Long & rich history Increased the market capabilities All Old world wines have longer history

Portfolio of brandsIncreased competitive capabilities

Demands of commercial wines Multi – distribution channelsTraditional white wines distributors are considered selling grape wines

Chinese are lack of wine knowledgeHard for retailers to know all of wines from TWESome of TWE’s commercial brands are not well-known in China

Strong brand name and recognition

Increased the competitive capabilities


Well- known old world winesFake winesSmall Australian competitors take advantages in Chinese market

A commitment of quality, diversity and innovation

Increased market and competitive capabilities

New generationsNew birth policy family could have one more childWesternization – young generation would become more willing to accept new products and try something newIncreasing concern of food safety – foreign brands become popular

Old world wines –better qualityYoung generations tend to be more self-awareness thus increasing difficulties to target the market

Varieties of products from different regions

Increased competitive capabilities

Westernization Consist with traditional culture – motivate purchasing

Regulation to limited promotion

Screw caps & Increased market capabilities Increasing demand of import wines inChina Not tradition, Chinese can not accept

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NNPB bottles

Sales management Increased market capabilities AllBad environment influence recruitment international workers

Multi – distribution channels

Increased the market capabilities

New industries such as wedding and funeralTraditional white win distribution channelsChinese wineries looking for import wines (packaged their own labels)

Sales owned by retailers are lack of wine knowledge

Highly trained human resource

Increased company capabilitiesUnhealthy environment in China become the barriers of TWE’s recruitment

Large scale of production Increased the production capabilities

All Anti- corruption campaignOld world wines – small scales , quality and high premium

High priceOld world wines – higher pricesConsumers are getting knowledge toward wines COO is important

Domestic brands –lower pricesDecreasing demand of luxury wines in China


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WEAKNESS OPPORTUNITIES THREATSSome luxury wines cannot satisfy customers’ needs

Decreased market performance Technology databaseDecreasing demand of luxury winesOld world competitorsDecreasing price of Chile’s wines

Increased cost of production

Decreased the production performance

Technology of scale productionDecreasing prices of Chile’s winesBad weather condition

Excessive brandsDecreased marketing management capabilities

Increasing demand of commercial winesCustomers are lack of wine knowledge, they choose wines based on brands

Incomplete distribution network

Decreased the market capabilities

Multi channels Fake winesSmuggled wines

Bad financial situation(low rate of capital turnover)

Decreased the company’s capabilities

Build up more commercial brands – the turnover of luxury is 14 – year, but commercial is only 5 years

Decreasing demand of luxury wines

Decreased sales of premium wines

Decreased market performance Attract more investment More competitors come into Chinese market

High initial funds for brands management

Decreased the company’s capabilities

Cooperate with big retail stores in China (ASI fine wine)

Too many brands need to build upStrict advertising laws

Not familiar with Chinese culture

Deceased market capabilities Nil Environment affect recruitment in China

Lack of innovation Decreased market performance NilSome small brands take advantagesCape Jaffa–BiodynamicPost love- telling love story

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4.0 TWE’s current strategyCurrent global strategy of TWE is divided to 3 levels. Firstly, build up exceptional

brands. Secondly, increase the production and supply of luxury and premium wines.

Thirdly, maintain the scale of production of commercial wines, and expand market


Consequently, TWE’s current strategies as follows:

Mainly focusing on luxury and premium wines.

Building up exceptional brands to against with old world exceptional portfolios.

Maintain the volume and value of commercial wines.

Expand the global market

Key issues:

However, TWE’s global strategies can hardly fit in China based on SWOT analysis of

Chinese market. There are some key issues TWE needs to pay more attention.


Increasing of GDP and average disposable income

Increasing urbanization rate

Westernization affect consumer buying attitude and behavior –more willing to

accept and try new products by increasing young generation

Free trade agreement between Australia and China

China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone

New birth policy (family could have one more child)→increase the youth


Increase in number of agencies and organizations established more platforms to

do grape wine education programs including A+ Australian Wine, Wine ( in China)

More professional retail stores in China

Increasing online shopping webs including C2C and B2C

Increasing demands of commercial wines

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Increasing concern about safety of food made in China

Customers are getting knowledgeable towards the importance of COO


Increasing competitors come into Chinese market

Old world wines are still the biggest player with longer history of winemaking,

quality and well-known wines, and high premium in Chinese market

Domestic wines with lower prices

Decreasing prices of Chile’s wines

Adulterated wines and smuggled wines disturb the order of wine industry in


Anti – corruption campaign played by president Xi lead to decreasing demand of

luxury wines

Strict advertising laws

Regulations to limited promotion

New policy against drunk driving

Retailers unable to get full information about portfolio of TWE’s brands

Chinese purchase wines based on familiar with brands because of the lack of

wine knowledge

Younger generations tend to be more self – awareness thus increasing difficulties

to target the market

Limitation rate of manganese for import wines

Unhealthy environment influence TWE’s recruitment in China

What does TWE need to do immediately?

Based on the key issues in Chinese market, TWE need to change the marketing

strategy according to the local situations.

Building up exceptional brands to against with old world exceptional portfolios

Maintaining the sales of luxury and premium brands.

Select some and mainly focus on building up some competitive commercial


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Building up the linkage between TWE’s luxury brands and TWE’s commercial


Expand wine market into second and third-tier cities.

Building up sound and complete distribution channels.

Building up a professional sales team with wine knowledge.

Doing education programs to enhance customers’ wine knowledge.

5.0 Marketing StrategyIn this section, it provides some details about reasonable TWE’s strategies that will be

taken from 2015 to 2017 in Chinese market. And these strategies are made based on

the macro analysis, internal analysis, market analysis, competitor analysis and

Customer analysis.

5.1 Mission and direction

The mission of TWE is to bring the organization’s quality wines and knowledge of

new world wines to Chinese customers in order to meet Chinese buyers’ needs of

grape wine consumption. The priority mission of TWE would be to enhance the brand

awareness of exceptional portfolios, maintain the sales of luxury brands, and increase

the profitability of commercial brands.

5.2 Targeting and Positioning Decisions

As discussed in consumer analysis section, Treasury Wine Estates could target three

major customer segments, as follow:

Youth Generation Segment

In demographic terms, the youth generation segment consists of people in China who

are 18-35 years of age and have been well educated, probably have higher disposable

income. From the view of consumer behavior, this group of people usually purchases

a bottle of wine for daily use or sometimes during the private dates. Since the

consumers who within this segment were generally the freshmen to the society,

therefore they have relatively lower disposable income while they do have an

increasing demand in social activities. Hence, it is worth to put more focus on the

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commercial series when promoting wine to them.

5.2.2 High-Flyers segment

The high-flyers segment comprises those person who are age 36-44 years, have had

higher education (master or PhD degree) and disposable income. They usually have

relatively comprehensive knowledge towards red wine and be aware of their personal

preference. Their purchasing attitude tend to be rationalization in term of focusing on

cost-efficiency rather than depending on the recommendations. During their daily life,

they would choose red wine over any other alcohol drink due to wine’s supposed

health benefits. In consumer behavioral terms, this segment of customer often

purchase luxury wine for business negotiations and gifts exchange while commercial

wine for their daily use and private date. Therefore, TWE should provide as much

information for this segment as possible in order to allow them think

comprehensively, thus reach the purchase decision.

5.2.3 Upstarts Segment

The upstarts segment is the group of customer that marketing theory called ‘heavy

buyers’, it consist of customers about 50 years old who has made a great fortune in a

very short period of time by opportunistic investment while have relative lower lever

of education. They used to live in an unsatisfactory life style, however they seem to

get lost in balance when the life suddenly changed dramatically. This group of

customers would purchase luxury wine for nearly every circ*mstance includes daily

use, private date, business functions and gift exchanges. They tend to hold the

purchasing attitude that buys the most expensive one rather than the most appropriate


5.2.4 Positioning

Differentiated marketing would be useful to reinforce the positioning of TWE as the

wine company with the best capabilities to meet the consumer demands and

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satisfaction by creating the possible wine purchasing experience. The products of

TWE should roughly divided into two segments—luxury wine and commercial wine.

Each consumer segment will have a corresponding promotion to motivation

consumes’ buying. This positioning would assistance TWE to have strong connection

with its customers in the targeted segment, thus create TWE own competitive power

in the industry.

6.0 Marketing strategy and planning for luxury brands

6.1 Planning direction and objectives

Based on the analysis of market positioning, TWE’s luxury wine brands should put

more attention on maintaining the sales rather than increasing. In Chinese wine

market, the major target consumer segment for TWE to develop its luxury brands is

the upstarts group plus some of the high-flyers. Though they have had full capability

of purchasing luxury wine, they were still a small proportion of people when look at it

from the entire population of China. In addition, TWE should withdraw part of the

dealership from ASC Fine wine that is the only wine agent where has been authorized

to sell luxury wine of TWE in order to control the process of market expansion in


Establish a professional sales and marketing team in terms who armed with

professional wine knowledge and comprehensive understanding of Chinese

market and Chinese consumers’ purchasing behavior.

Maintain the sale of luxury wine while increase the sales of commercial


Increase the distribution channels mainly focus on first-tier cities

Cooperate with five star hotels and government

6.2 Planning for distribution channels and logistics

Online Shops

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Have a comprehensive cooperation with ASC Fine Wine to expand the market and

grow brand awareness among Chinese consumers. ASC has a positive relationship

with a Chinese domestic logistic company that could deliver parcels 24 hours a day, 7

days a week (holidays are not excluded). This special tactic brings much convenience

to consumers that meet customers’ satisfactions. TWE could take ASC as a distributor

rather than a franchiser after withdraw the dealership from ASC.

Clubs & Five Stars Hotels

Clubs and Five Star Hotels are considered as the premium distribution channel in

Chinese wine market. Upstarts and some of the business person would like to choose

these two places for dining or business negotiation, therefore clubs and hotels are

appropriate places to create brand awareness within the target segments.

Duty Free Stores

Since there is no importation tariff in the duty free stores, the price of luxury would be

relatively lower than other distributors. Though the price is not the dominant element

that motivates upstarts’ purchasing, it still could be a very attractive component to

those business person as they may considered it is quite cost efficient.


Though the sales may partially affect by anti-corruption campaign run by Chairman

Xi, TWE still could introduce its red wine to Chinese government as red wine could

be used as a way of diplomacy.

6.3 Planning for communications and influence

Advertising & Promotions

Due to the strict advertising law issued in recent years, social media has become more

and more popular within many businesses

WeChat (Chinese version of WhatsApp) has a public communication platform

which allows TWE to public relevant information includes seasonal sales, how

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to select wine, recommendation of food, limited edition information etc.

WeChat also allows consumer to subscript these information.

Sina Weibo (Chinese version of Twitter) is another great platform for TWE to

grow its brand awareness. Until the end of 2013, the users of Weibo has been

achieved 500 million that includes 46 million daily active users as well as 120

million monthly active user (Ji, 2013). Apply an official account

QR (quick response) code can delivery certain information when consumers

scan the code by smart phone and tablets. TWE could involve this modern

technology into its communication method. Consumers can get information

about food recommendation of particular wine by scanning the QR code on

the label as well as whether the bottle of wine is really or not.

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6.4 Planning for products and brands

Luxury Brands

DetailsLiquor Style Varietal Price (RMB) Capability


Grandfather Fine Old Liqueur Tawny Port

Dry Red Shiraz Mourvedre

2428 Outstanding wine quality The most famous wine brand in

Chinese market Attracting brand name since it

sounds like a good wish 2008 Grange received a perfect

score of 100 point from Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate

Penfolds Grange 2009

Dry Red Shiraz 2004

Penfolds BIN 389 Dry Red Shiraz 1500Penfolds BIN 311 Tumbarumba Chardonnay

Neutral, Medium Bodied Whites

Chardonnay 999

Wolf Blass Platinum Label Shiraz

Dry Red Shiraz 3880 Well-known brand within Chinese market

Attracting brand name International Wine Challenge

2013 Red Winemaker of the year

Twelve 90+ scores form Wine Advocate and Wine Spectator

Wolf Blass Black Label 2007 awarded Best Red Blend at the Five Nations Wine Challenge

Presidents Selection Cabernet Sauvignon

Full-Bodied Reds Cabernet Sauvignon


Presidents Selection South Australia Shiraz

Full-Bodied Reds Shiraz 1888

Wolf Blass Label Merlot

Red Merlot 1566

28 / 93


Pinot Noir Dry Red Pinot noir 3999 2008 Heemskerk Coal River Valley Chardonnay Pinot Noir wins the Regional Trophy at the 2013 Decanter World Wine Awards

Chardonnay Pinot Brut

Sparking White Chardonnay Pinot Noir


Chardonnay Dry White Chardonnay 1887

29 / 93

6.5 Product Mix

Limited edition

Limited-edition products are produced limited times and often in small quantities in

order to draw consumers’ attentions by the chance of special occasions or event and

increase brand awareness (Wood 2010). It easily get customers buzzing because the

products are considered as out of ordinary and suggest both urgency and exclusivity.

Therefore, TWE could create a series of wine especially supply for special occasion,

such as Valentine’s Day, Christmas and other Chinese traditional festivals. Word of

mouth about this series of products could spread quickly through social media, further

increasing demands and adding to the feeling of excitement and customers when they

are involved in a purchase circ*mstance.

6.6 Products Attributes

High Quality

The luxury series of TWE should insist in producing high quality wine and limited in

amount to meet the sense of unique and excitement that consumers might hold. To

assure TWE is competitively distinctive, attractive and valuable to customer

6.7 Products Life Cycle

Luxury wine has a relatively longer life cycle since it usually takes much longer time

to produce, some of the red wine even take more than a decade. This situation on the

one hand create the urgency of the product that make motivate wine consumer to

purchase in haste, on the other hand it may cause the situation that the inventory could

not meet the quantity consumer needs, thus reduce the consumers satisfaction. To

solve this problem, TWE could launch a pre-order campaign which allows consumers

to have an expectation while the company also could have a certain time period of

time to prepare.

30 / 93

6.8 New Product Development

Instead of developing a new range of luxury wine in Chinese market, it is better to

launch a new idea bundled with a special series of wine. For example, TWE could

select a series of wine to cooperate with Roseonly (see appendix 3) that sell a bottle of

luxury wine much higher than its market price with the idea of ‘unique’. In ancient

China, parents usually reserved big jar of Chinese spirit and buried under the

sycamore tree in the backyard when their baby girl was born, and they would take that

jar of spirits out and share with guests at the day of the daughter’s wedding.

Nowadays this tradition is hardly to be inherited due to the rapid urbanization.

However, there are still a number of Chinese want to keep it habit, therefore TWE

could take this opportunity to select a series of wine that could preserve for a long

period of time bundled with this tradition and sell at a much higher price level.

6.9 Marketing Programs (2015)

31 / 93

Month Programs/Products Festival Event StakeholdersBudgetin

g (RMB)Objective

January Launch advertisem*nts campaign on

TV, magazines (high-end business

magazines), newspaper & social

media (WeChat, Weibo)

Create TWE’s official WeChat

and publish promotion and wine

knowledge information towards

customers daily

Print QR code on the every

bottle of luxury wine

New Year’s Day

IT Department

Marketing team

Public Relation



Build up brand

awareness among

consumers (e.g.

when mention

about perfect wine

for gift exchange,

people would

think about

TWE’s wine)

TWE organize wine testing events in

some big cities

Send official invitations to VIP

customers by mails or emails

Invite wine expert(s) from


Wine Tasting


Wine specialists

from Australia

TWE’s sales


TWE’s sales

30,000 Educate retailers;

Educate customers

32 / 93

Australia to the event persons

February Launch a special pair of bottles

wine for Valentine’s Day-e.g.

Heemskerk Sparkling Rose &

Sparkling White

Advertising in retails, road

advertising board & magazines

Valentine’s Day

Marketing team

PR department




building up brand



Increase sales

Chinese New Year Parties

(Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen &

Hong Kong)

Outstanding staffs, Retailers and

VIP customers would be invited

to the party

Award outstanding retailers and


Some Chinese celebrities would

also be invited

Chinese Lunar

New Year

All staffs


PR department

Cooperate with

Hilton Hotel

200,000 Celebration

Increase sales

Create buzzing

among media

33 / 93

Launch New Year special wine

(limited editions)


Advertisem*nt in whole range

of platforms



Promote wine especially for

women (Penfolds BIN 311)

the advantages of wines to

women (heart, skin, weight


Cooperate with clubs,

restaurants and five star hotels


Women’s Day


Sales person



Increase sales

Increase brand



consumers’ wine


April Promotion

Launch a promotion that allows

consumers know more about

TWE’s whole range of wine

Qing Ming


Create brand


Allow consumer

know both luxury

34 / 93

Assist commercial wine


and commercial


TWE organize wine testing events in

some other big cities

Send official invitations to VIP

customers by mails or emails

Invite wine expert(s) from

Australia to the event


VIP consumers could have

chance to reserve limited

edition wine


Wine Tasting

Wine specialists

from Australia

TWE’s sales


TWE’s sales


Wine education

Promote sales

Increase brand



Assist the promotion of commercial

wine- if buy 3 commercial wine, get

1 luxury wine at 10% off


Labors’ Day

Increase sales and

brand awareness


Advertise the advantages of Mothers’ Day

Wine education

and increase brand

35 / 93

red wine for women

Continue promote Penfolds

BIN 311

awareness and


Assist commercial wine promotion-

Ads on official website

Dragon Boat




wine’s sales



Range a short trip for VIP

customers to visit Australian

grape vineyard

VIP consumers would get a

bottle of luxury wine as a gift




Sales Person

Market department

Tourist Agency

Wine experts


Boom up the

brand awareness


consumers’ wine


Create buzzing

July Online order & delivered

within 24 hours

Consist with commercial

wine promotion- launch the

idea of ‘love wine’

Qi Xi Festival





Increase sales and

brand awareness

36 / 93

Social media advertising

August Assist commercial wine promotion







wine’s sales and

brand awareness

Create buzzing

September Assist commercial wine

promotion- HR support,

venue support

Launch the idea of ‘reunion’

Social media advertising




Sales person

PR department



Exhibit TWE Luxury wine

Consist with commercial

wine promotion

All exhibit staffs would

receive a discount of luxury

The 92th

China Food

and Drinks


37 / 93


Provide luxury wine tasting

Build up long-term

relationship with other


October Promotion

Provide wine to Chinese

government as a ceremony


Assist with commercial wine


Large social media


National Day

Wine specialists

from Australia

TWE’s sales


TWE’s sales




PR department

Create buzzing

Increase sales of

both luxury and

commercial wine

TWE organize wine testing events in

some big cities

Send official invitations to VIP

customers by mails or emails


Wine Tasting

38 / 93

Invite wine expert(s) from

Australia to the event

Assist commercial wine

promotion by providing HR,

logistic support

Social media advertising

TV news advertising

Official website advertising




Create brand

awareness and

increase sales of

commercial wine

December Promote to heavy buyers

Five stars hotels, clubs would

receive a discount when


If place next year order now,

would receive 5% off with free



Increase next

year’s sales

Increase brand



commercial wine


New year promotion

Delivery for VIP customers as a

New Year’s Eve Increase sales

2 Double Eleven Hilarity is well known as a ‘bachelor day’ that merchant use to aggressively make sales on their inventory.

39 / 93

gift (well paged with cards)

Customers would receive a

500RMB voucher as a gift when

purchase next year

40 / 93

7.0 Planning for Commercial brandsBrowsing the portfolio of TWE’s brands, reveals over 70 commercial brands and

some of them presenting high quality with competitive prices. The direction of

commercial wines is to distributing products through the traditional Chinese white

wine channels, resulting in higher market share and penetration levels.

7.1 Specific Objectives

For commercial brand, the main marketing objectives are:

Select some competitive commercial brands and launch 20 commercial brands in

China in the first year

Build up the top 3 commercial brands together; build up the linkage between

selected top 5 commercial brands and well-known luxury brands, including

Penfolds and Wolf Blass.

Build a marketing team with comprehensive knowledge of TWE’s commercial


Achieve a brand awareness of 50% among Chinese.

Increase the sales of commercial brands by 200% in 3 years

Increase the distribution channels

Distribute commercial wines to both big cities and small cities

Cooperate with some big organizations

7.2 Brands & Products

TWE would select (1) 5 commercial brands with a price range of 400 RMB to 250

RMB, (2) 5 commercial brands with a price range of 250 RMB to 100 RMB, (3) 7

commercial brands with a price range under 100 RMB. All brands have varieties of

wines including dry red wines, dry white wines, and sparkling wines. All selected

brands , both launched brands and new brands in China, will be bundled together to

build up brands’ awareness and use the same distribution channels.

41 / 93

Table 6 shows the top 7 priorities of competitive commercial wines.

Brand Region


Liquor Style

& VarietalCapabilities Price



Dry red

Pinot Noir

Trophy &Gold at the 2012 Dan Murphy’s

National Wine Show of Australia

Beautifully textural, ripe tannin


PEPPERJACK AustraliaDry red


No.1 selling red wine in AU

dark fruit flavors, high tannin level, 288RMB/750ml

WYNNS Australia

Dry red



90+ scores from Robert Parker’s Wine

Advocate(8 times)

Rich plummy fruit and vanilla aromas




Dry white



Best Sauvignon Blanc in the Southern


Vibrant, herbal & salad greens aromas


Rosemount AustraliaDry white


Balanced white, white peach, nectarine ,


Foundational brands (good reputation)


Bringer Americas Dry Rosé Foundational brands (good reputation)

Cheap price98RMB/750ml

Lindeman's AustraliaDry white


Foundational brands (good reputation)

World of mouth98RMB/750ml

7.3 Why branding top 3 foundational brands first?

TWE, firstly, would consider enhancing the brand awareness of top 3 foundational

brands including Rosemount, Bringer, and Lindeman’s. Because:

They are foundational brands of TWE.

They are already launched in Chinese market and witness a good reputation.

Products of top 3 commercial brands have competitive price advantage.

42 / 93

7.4 Why choose these brands?

Varieties of liquor styles, origins, prices, and brands with good qualities.

The table below shows summaries of product marketing decisions

Product mix and product lines Product attributes

Increase the number of commercial wines

Increase the number of individual wines in each brands

Launch new products under the exciting brands

Increasing new brands

Increased the brand awareness

Satisfy Chinese customers’ needs of commercial wines

Enhance the brand awareness and identification

Innovate some new commercial wines telling wine stories

Product life cycle New product development

Introduce new commercial wine brands

Grow top 3 commercial wine brands to a maturity stage

Replace some slow – selling wines

Add new wines within innovation ideas including ecological, love stories

Test market the wine by different marketing activities

Launch new products

7.5 Regions of China

In order to market wines more effectively,

TWE will divide the country into 8 parts

(see the map). Moreover, each region will be

headed by regional managers.

43 / 93

7.6 Human recourse & marketing teams

The manager of TWE in Great China is Liu, Ruijun who works for TWE for over than

10 years and a 7 years experience of working in a beer company before.

People, who are leading the marketing team, are important because human resources

can enhance the capabilities of the organization. In order to build up a professional

marketing team to do sales in China, TWE would recruit people as follows:

Marketing managers who will (1) do marketing analysis, strategy and changes

with the time. (2) Build up the brands by using advertising etc. (3) plan marketing

campaigns to promote commercial brands etc.

Regioner managers who will (1) mainly focus on their own region (2) divide each

region into several parts (3) implement the strategy and planning in each region.

Sales men are leaded by regional managers who will do (1) training before

working (2) go to cities to connect with local retailers and find out more

distribution channels etc.

7.7 Distribution channels

TWE would use multi- distribution channels to deliver wines.

Executive retailers

The top 3 commercial brands would use executive retailers which mean they have the

unique rights to sell these brands in the particular areas. And the executive retailers

will be selected based on regulations. The main 4 regulations are as follows:

1. Retailers need to have a store over than 200 square meters.

2. Retailers need to select more than 5 commercial brands of TWE (except top 3

commercial brands).

3. Retailers need to satisfy sales projects (based on the scale of cities) in each

period. And they will be awarded based on the award regulation.

4. Retailers need to buy wines valued 2,000,000 RMB for the first time.

All these retailers will be selected by regional manager and regional sales will have

responsibilities to connect with retailers daily.

44 / 93

On trade distribution

On trade refers to the business with hotels, bars, clubs and restaurants etc.

1. Cooperate with hotels such as five star hotels, commercial hotels and offer them

wines with different range of prices.

2. Contract with bars and offer them cheap wines, especially sparkling.

3. Offer senior clubs quality wines with good reputation, especially some awarded


4. Offer different prices of wines to restaurants based on the per capita consumption

of the restaurants.

Off trade distribution

Off trade refers to sell wines to supermarkets, Souvenir Boutique, and Convenience


1. Souvenir Boutiques (similar to BWS in Australia) selling different types of

alcohols will have priorities. They have loyalty customers and multi - distribution

channels so that they can segment more customers.

2. Supermarkets also will be considered because people go to supermarket daily.

3. Convenience store is another off trade distribution channel. For example, Seven

Eleven opens 24 hours every day.

Direct to customers

There are a lot of online business websites which can be used as other distributors.

For example, B2C websites such as can be a good option. Shunfeng,

one of China’s biggest express companies, open 518 stores who offer online shopping

and direct diliver to customers in China on May 18th 2014. It is a good chance to

cooperate with Chinese best quality express service company.

Contract with organizations in special industries

According to SWOT analysis, related industries can be a good opportunities including

wedding industry and funeral industry who have increasingly demand of grape wines.

1. Wedding industry

45 / 93

Increasingly Chinese new couples choose wedding consulting companies to plan their

weddings. It is a good opportunities for TWE to cooperate with those firms.

2. Funeral industry

Funeral industry is a new industry in China, and TWE would consider cooperating

with Funeral firms result in the Chinese culture of having dinner after a funeral.

7.8 Marketing Communications tools

In order to generate the brand awareness and increase the association of TWE as a

wine estate, increasing advertising would be played in platforms including TV, radio,

outdoor, internet, print etc. Moreover, other marketing communications tools would

be used such as sales promotion, personal selling, direct marketing, public relations

etc. the following tables shows TWE’s marketing communications tools

Communications Activities


Targeted magazine advertising (Chinese Wine magazine etc.)

In – store advertising to promote seasonal packages

Small TV advertisings in regional televisions to grow brand awareness

Create TWE’s official Wechat and deliver advertising and promotion

information by using push approaches

Use social media such as weibo to connect with customers



Short – term promotion buy 10,000 RMB of wines get 20% off the

purchase price to retailers

Half price promotion of some slow – selling bands to customers

Buy 3 get 1 free for new launched commercial wines to customers

Sales of specific brands to customers on season

Bundling several brands together and offer reduced price to promote in

holidays such as Chinese New Year

Set up a system ‘point-of-purchase of retailers’ to encourage retailers to

promote TWE’s wines (if they finish the seasonal target, they will get RMB

5,000 value of wines return)

46 / 93



Traditional personal selling - get feedback directly from customers

Internet personal selling – directly sell wines to customers



Email TWE’s web address to customers

Email the online promotion to loyalty customers



Organize wine testing events to wine lovers, Offer free trial of wines to test,

and promote sales during events

Sponsor Chinese festivals, such as New Year Party, and offer free drinks

Sponsor wines to wedding shows and do promotion during events.

China National Food, Wine and Spirits Fair in Chengdu

Hong Kong International Wine and Spirits Fair

China International Grape Wine Exhibition in Guangdong

Offer free wines to some public relation companies

QR code

7.9 Customer Service

60 per cent of customers are purchasing wines on trade or off trade which means it is

difficult to offer perfect customer service to customers. However, TWE organizes a

wine education program to train sales and waiters.

7.10 Marketing Programs and Budgeting

The table following summarizes monthly marketing programs for the first year and

the budgets. Further planning of the next two years will be established based on the

performance of the first year and the changes of external and internal environment.

Marketing programs will start in January 2015.

47 / 93

Month Programs/Products Festival Event Involvement Budgeting Objective

January Create local and online advertising about

information of New Year promotion

Customer Sales Promotion

Bundling top 3 Commercial wines together

with others (e.g. Buy 3 get 1 free)

Create TWE’s official Wechat and deliver

promotion information

New Year’s Day IT team;

Marketing team;



Public Relation



Build up linkage

between top 3 and


Increase sales;





TWE organize wine testing events in each


Retailers and VIP customers are invited

Invite one of wine testers from TWE in

Australia to present

Retailers organize wine testing events in their

own stores.

Sales person from TWE are invited

Monthly Wine Testing

Event (Education


Specialists from


TWE’s regional


TWE’s sales


30,000RMB Educate retailers;



48 / 93

Testing promotion – if buy on testing, 15%


Weekly wine education program

Deliver wine information (including new

promotion, new products, wine

knowledge) by Wechat

February Launch new wines about love story

Buy wines get chocolates for free

Advertising in stores

Valentine’s Day Marketing team

PR department




Increase sales

Chinese New Year Party (Shanghai)

All Staffs, Retailers and some customers

participate the party

Some Chinese actors are invited

Award outstanding retailers and staffs

Launch New Year special wine


All commercial wines 20% off

Chinese New Year All staffs


PR department

Cooperate with

Hilton Hotel

200,000RMB Celebration

Increase sales

49 / 93

Advertisem*nt in different platforms

Same as first month Education program

March Promotion

Launch a women’s wine

Advertise the advantages of red wines to

women (hart, skin, weight)

Cooperate with restaurants

International Women’s



Sales person

Restaurants 50,000RMB

Increase sales



Build up brands

Sponsor Amazing Wedding

Sponsor wines

Direct sales to customers

Direct connect with wedding consult


Bridal Expo

(Amazing Wedding)

Sales person

PR department

Marketing team 30,000RMB

Connect with



Direct marketing

Public relation

Direct to retailers (find out traditional

white wine distribution channels)

Connect with competiotors


International wine and

wine exhibition

Sales person

Marketing team 50,000RMB

Find more


Same as first month Education program

April Promotion

Promote cheap price wines (below

Qing ming Festival Retailers 10,000RMB Increase sales

50 / 93

RMB150), all 20% off


Targeted magazine advertising (Chinese

Wine magazine)

In- store advertizing

HR department

Sales team

Grow brand


Sponsor Hilton Hotel

Sponsor wines

Increase on trade distribution channel

Direct to customers

Wedding Bridal Expo

at Hilton Hotel


HR department


managers 50,000RMB

Build up

relationship with


Hotel(increase on

trade channel)

Connect with wedding consult agencies

Increase on trade distribution channel

Fashion Wedding


HR department

Sales person 10,000RMB




Exhibit TWE’s commercial wines

Grow brand awareness

Increase on trade and off trade distribution


China National Food,

Wine and Spirits Fair

in Chengdu

All staffs 180,000RMB Increase


Connect with


51 / 93

Connect with retailers

Advertise in exhibition

Launch new wines


Exhibit TWE’s commercial wines

Grow brand awareness

Increase on trade and off trade distribution


Connect with retailers

Advertise in exhibition

China Import and



Regional staffs

from 3 parts




Connect with



Same as first month Education program

May Promotion

20% off for Special wine portfolio

International Workers’



Sales person50,000RMB

Increase sales


All red wines 15% off


Advertise the advantages of red wines to


Mothers’ Day Retailers

Sales person

HR department

10,000RMB Increase sales;

Advertise wine

information to

educate customers

52 / 93


Buy 3 get 1 free

Dragon Boat Day Retailers

Sales person30,000RMB

Increase sales

Exhibit TWE’s commercial wines

Grow brand awareness

Increase on trade and off trade distribution


Connect with retailers

Advertise in exhibition

The 6th


International Wine And

Spirit Exhibition 2015

All staffs




Connect with



Same as first month Education program

June Sponsor Shangri La Hotel

Sponsor wines

Increase on trade distribution channel

Direct to customers

Wedding Bridal Expo

at Shangri La Hotel




HR department 50,000RMB


relationship with

Shangri La Hotel

(increase on trade


Exhibit TWE’s commercial wines

Increase on trade and off trade distribution


The International Wine

And Spirit Exhibition

2015 (Shanghai)



Sales person

20,000RMB Increase



53 / 93

Connect with retailers

Same as first month Education program

July Chinese Valentine’s Day

Promote Love wines

In-store advertisem*nt

Online order and 24-hour deliver

Qi Xi Festival Retailers

Marketing team

Regional sales




Increase sales

Connect with wedding consult agencies

Increase on trade distribution channel

China Wedding Expo

at Shanghai

Marketing team


managers and



Increase brand


Same as first month Education program

August Sponsor Shangri La Hotel

Sponsor wines

Increase on trade distribution channel

Direct to customers

Wedding Bridal Expo

at Shangri La Hotel




HR department20,000RMB




Same as first month Education program

September Promotion Mid–Autumn Festival Retailers 10,000RMB Increase sales

54 / 93

Buy 3 get 1 free

In – store advertisem*nt


Exhibit TWE’s commercial wines

Increase on trade and off trade distribution


Provide free drinks to exhibitors

Connect with exhibitors and build up

relationship with TWE

China Import and



form Sep to Oct

Marketing team

HR department

150,000RMB Contract with


exhibitors (direct


Same as first month Education program

October Promotion

All wines buy 3 get 1 free

Further discount – 10% off

Small TV advertising

National Day All distribution


Sales 10,000RMB

Increase sales

Same as first month Education program

November Biggest promotion

Online promotion (all 30% off)

Advertising online

Double Eleven Online

Shopfest (taobao)

Sales 50,000RMB Increase sales

55 / 93

Same as first month Education program

December New year promotion

Big organizations – buy 100 box get extra

25% off

Individuals -

Christmas Sales

Marketing team

PR department

Promote to big


Same as first month Education program

56 / 93

8.0 Metrics and controlWith development of marketing strategy in TWE, to measure the effectiveness of

TWE’s advertising strategy would be conducted. This metrics will evaluate brand

awareness in terms of luxury wine and commercial wine. Obviously, TWE would

measure each different strategy effectively or different type of promotion they take.

For instance, the planning of communication of luxury wine is advertising of in-store

promotion, store manager could do register for customers who are at end of pay. It can

measure promotion results are which product is loyalty consumer prefer, how many

new customers we acquire. For example, the planning of communication in

commercial wine focus specifically on social media such as WeChart, which TWE

share corporate and product information, understand brand consciousness and provide

quickly customer support. Among the many metrics to measure social media results

are how many followers TWE WeChart accounts and blogs engage, how many times

the brand is mentioned in other blog info and the amount and type of brand comments

made on WeChart.

The marketing control assumes that the Treasury Wine Estates is able to make change

after implementing the marketing plan. It can be reflected by two types of marketing

controls that are productivity control and strategy control. To be more specific, the

purpose of productivity control is to evaluate the performance of marketing plan of

TWE that relate to the efficiency of key marketing activities such as promotion in

product extension and product cooperate. These are supported by communications

productivity that is brand awareness increasing without higher budgets. For example,

spending 50,000 RMB on promotions to cooperate with clubs and five star hotels and

to promote wine to women particularly. It may increase brand awareness of TWE.

What is more, brand awareness would be measured through questioner survey (Brown

2008). Questions like ‘which imported brand comes to you mind when about an

Australian wine products?’. This unaided question will be followed by questions such

as ‘have you ever tried Panfold?’. This outcome of this investigation will afford

information that identifies that effective of our marketing promotion to boost brand

57 / 93

awareness. Another is strategy control that evaluates marketing’s performance in

managing strategy area in TWE relative to consumer relationship, and shows the

importance of whether the TWE is forging relationship with consumer. This

evaluation would be identified through acquiring customers in terms of three

consumer segments such as young generation segment, high flyers segment and

upstarts segment to achieve different demands in terms of luxury wine and

commercial wine. In evaluation of luxury wine terms, in order to maintain the sales

volume of luxury wine that come from upstarts segment and some of high-flyers,

there are some programs can be used to control such as improving loyalty and

increasing satisfaction. The example of improving loyalty, making VIP Golden card

for upstarts segment that are major luxury wine buyer, this means cardholder has 20%

off for luxury wine. Another is create a rule within VIP Golden card that cardholder

has special opportunity to get 50% of any products in birthday date, but just use this

card once only. Another example is to increase satisfaction that set tasting room in

store for customer to provide excellent service within wine knowledge of pourer and

tasting protocol, which evaluate by systematic monitoring. In evaluation of

commercial wine terms, to increase the sales volume of commercial wine that is from

youth generation and most of high-flyers, there are some programs should be used to

control that include building loyalty, supporting positive perception. One example of

encouraging and stimulating purchasing is producing member card and VIP sliver

card (based on consumer’s sum of consumption in store) for youth generation

segment and high-flyer segment that can has 10% and 12% off for any products.

Additionally, the example of supporting positive perception, enhancing advertising of

wine knowledge with positive attributes for upstarts segment, it is associated with

following positive attributes: Genuine taste, Good value for money, Good for health,

Support country of origin and more. The outcome of consumer strategy could

significantly affect TWE ability to carry out objective of increasing sales volume.

Thirdly, the controlling of financial budget strategy, this financial budget would be

conducted every three months to provide a more detailed analysis of individual

58 / 93

campaigns in terms of luxury wine planning budget and commercial wine planning

budget, as both of sales are growing and thereby the expense of $ 730,000 and $

1,370,000 to conduct two budgets can only be provided once each year. With TWE

increases, these budgets would be conducted more often, as to carry out immediate

feedback on different advertising strategies and allow TWE to adapt to a changing


8.1 Expectation of luxury wine

TWE withdraw the sales right of luxury wine due to the sales power of luxury wine in

ASC Fine wine before, and mainly focus on maintaining item sales in Chinese market,

which take account for 40% approximately. This can be achieved by communication

tool and distribution channels to gain the objective of maintaining sales of luxury

wine. To be more specific, in terms of communication tools, using platform of social

media such as Wechat and Sina Weibo advertise some information that contain sales

promotion and wine selection for customers to enhance brand awareness. Consumer

also can use QR code to identify whether the wine is really or not. Clearly, these

advertising methods are carried out through professional team. On the other hand, to

achieve maintaining the sales of luxury wine that could through multi-distribution

channels such as online shops, cooperation with five stars hotels and clubs, duty free

stores. For example, making ASC Fine wine as own distributor to achieve the

objective, this is because ASC Fine wine already had good relationship with existing

consumer that is strength for TWE. In addition, setting shoppe in five stars hotels and

clubs is way to attain sales of luxury wine due to people in upstarts segment or

business events prefer to choose those places for themselves. Moreover, because of

more and more business people studying abroad, luxury wine without tariff fee in

duty free shops could motivate these consumers purchasing behavior.

8.2 Expectation of commercial wine

Due to selling commercial wine is major planning in TWE; there are some expected

effects on growth of distribution channel and product practical effect through using of

media platform. Firstly, with the outlook of Chinese wine market is continued growth,

59 / 93

commercial wine in distribution channel will expect to increase 2 ways including

franchisee that built on executive retailers and official website online order. These

could expand commercial wine market in second-tier cities. In order to attain this

objective, some programs and rules should be taken. For example, franchisee should

base on executive retail shop to build up. It should take the rule of same promotion

and same price with executive retailers, but could create new room that base on the

scale of cities for limited free tasting. In addition, setting official website online order

for selling commercial wine with free deliver, which offer the same products as real

shop. It is convenient for people who do not want to go out for shopping. Secondly,

the expectation effects on media mix, the sales of commercial wine will improve 20%

through heavy advertising and sales promotion. One example is advertising in

Christmas day that pre-launch promotion information in official WeChart while put

advertising in Television for consumer. And then make promotion such as bund

products together with reduction in price to meet customer demand. In addition,

setting shoppe wine exhibition with free tasting also is good way to achieve

expanding sales of commercial wine. One the other hand, everyone knows

commercial wine in TWE by using media platform. This is reflected increasing in

brand awareness particularly in top 3 commercial wines that are Rosemount, Bringer,

and Lindeman’s. Thirdly, education programs with positive attributes led to increase

knowledge of purchasing behavior and aspect of drinking wine. For example,

appearance/presentation of wine in store have been shown when consumer makes

purchase. This is because brand awareness would be increased.

Previous Current

60 / 93

Luxury wine

Commercial wine

Sales Strategy

Focusing on advertising of luxury wine

Maintaining commercial wine sales

To maintain luxury wine Focusing on commercial wine


Increased in luxury wine Steady state of sales for

commercial wine

Keeping high sales of luxury wine Growth of commercial wine To achieve the balance of the

sales satiation

Distribution ChannelsStrategy

Distribution channels have not separate to luxury wine and commercial wine respectively Confusion in distributors

Separate Strategy for luxury wine and commercial wine such as: Online shops, Cooperation with clubs and five stars hotels, Duty Free stores and Governmentluxury wine

Executive retailerscommercial wine


Growing of luxury wine sales volume

Some of commercial wine sales improvement

No significantly effects on distributors

Expanding of two wines of distribution channels

Especially increase in luxury wine distribution channel on first-tier cites

Social media and Promotion Strategy

No separately strategy for each level of brands

Separately strategy for luxury wine and commercial wine such as: Social media (Wechart, Sina weibo and QR code) luxury wine

TV ads, different promotion in stores, discount and public relations events commercial wine


Increasing of wine sales Enhancing brand awareness


Increase in wine sales Boosting brand awareness around

first tier cities and second tier cities

Education programs strategy

There is little educated programs for products

Lots of educated programs in terms of wine knowledge aspects

61 / 93


Lack of wine knowledge Misunderstanding in wine

knowledgeA correct understanding of wine knowledge

9.0 ConclusionIn conclusion, from the analysis of current situation in Chinese market, TWE would

change current strategy (which is growing luxury brands and maintaining commercial

brands) to a new strategy (which is growing commercial brands and maintaining

luxury brands) in Chinese market. This paper reset the strategy of TWE in China and

creates separate feasible plans and programs for both luxury brands and commercial

brands to drive TWE to be successful in China.

62 / 93

Appendix 1 shows the portfolio of Treasury Wine Estate.

ANZ (Australia &New Zealand)

19 Crimes Abel's Tempest Angel Cove Annie's Lane

Baileys of Glenrowan Coldstream Hills Devil's Lair Fifth Leg

Great Western Heemskerk Ingoldby Jamiesons Run

Killawarra Leo Buring Lindeman’s Matua

Metala Mildara Penfolds Pepperjack

Robertson’s Well Rosemount Estate Rothbury Estate Saltram

Seaview Secret Stone Seppelt Squealing Pig

St Huberts T'Gallant Tollana Valley of the Giants

Wolf Blass Yarra Ridge Yellowglen Wynns Coonawarra Estate

North America &South America

Beringer Vineyards Chateau St. Jean Cellar No. 8 Colores del Sol

Greg Norman Estates Etude Meridian Los Hermanos by Beringer

St. Clement Sledgehammer Souverain Santa Barbara Collection

Stags’ Leap Winery Tierra Secreta


63 / 93

Castello di Gabbiano Maison de Grand Esprit

Appendix 2 Brand Awards in FY13 (Cited From TWE’s Annual Report 2013)

WOLF BLASS International Wine Challenge 2013 Red Winemaker 90+ scores from Wine Advocate and Wine Spectator double gold medals at the China Wine and Spirit Awards Best Red Blend at the Five Nations Wine Challenge Ranked equal second among the world’s leading Cabernet

Sauvignon based blends

LINDEMAN’S Number One in four countries: Norway, Canada, Sweden

Netherlands Best Values’ from Wine Spectator 2012 Lindeman’s Bin 50 Shiraz awarded Matthew Jukes’ 100 Best

Australian Wines 2013–14 2012 Lindeman’s Bin 95 Sauvignon Blanc awarded gold medals

PENFOLDS 2008 Grange -perfect score of 100 points from Robert Parker’s

Wine Advocate & Wine Spectator 2008 Grange –perfect score of 20/20 from Schweizerische

Weinzeitung and a ‘Best of the Best’ honouree for International Red Wines in the Robb Report

Winery of the Year ‘Best Launch’ at The Drinks Business Awards 2013

BERINGER 2009 Knights Valley - r Top 100 Wines of the Year in Wine Spectato Beringer Quantum- 92 points in Wine Spectator 2011 vate-92 points from Wine Spectator 2009 Private Reserve Cabernet - 93 points from Wine Advocate Brand refresh for Beringer Classics

64 / 93

ROSEMOUNT ESTATE 230+ awards at the 2012 Royal Queensland Wine Show 15 wards at the 2013 International Wine Challenge Rated outstanding winery in the James Halliday Australian Wine

Companion 2013 Best Other Red Varietal Blend at the 2012 Royal Melbourne Wine


Commercial Brands













65 / 93

Appendix 3 Rose only

Rose OnlyRose Only Online Florist’s Shop

One individual could only shop once by ID card

Founder Perry Pu

Found Date 04-01-2013

Brand Name Roseonly

Slogan Trust roseonly, trust love

Products Rosa freedom, Rosa damascene ,Rosa centifolia

Packaging Hand- made, quality, gorgeous

Celebrities Yang,Mi Li,Xiaolu Li,Yudi He,Jiong

Distributions Branches in Beijing & Online Stores

Prices 399 – 10,000 RMB

Roseonly, as the unique luxury florist store has introduced an offbeat marketing

concept into Chinese market that sell the most expensive roses around the whole

country (even the whole world). The average price of a twig of rose is around

400RMB which roughly equals to 68AUD (includes packaging), and a box of nine

roses bloom sells at 1314RMB that is about 235AUD (the pronunciation of 1314 is

similar with the ‘a life span’ in mandarin). However, the price is the most surprising

element yet, the innovation of Roseonly is that one individual could only purchase

once in this store (includes online shopping and in-store shopping), which means there

66 / 93

is a zero in purchase frequency. Ironically, the company has been in a well operating

situation since it’s funded. It is difficult to say whether this marketing strategy is

feasible for the brand growth, however it could be considered as a masterpiece of

tactic by taking it as a brand promotion since it has been created extreme force of

public opinion, which has been impelled extensive brand awareness.

Appendix 4 ASC Fine Wine

ASC Fine WineASC Fine Wine

The only wine agent that has been authorize to sell TWE’s luxury wine High-End Online Wine Store Receive the wine that purchased online within 24 hours

Founder Don St. Pierre, Sr & Don St. Pierre, Jr

Found Date 1996

Slogan Bring the finest wine into China

Products Wolf Blass, Penfolds & other luxury wine from other companies

Distributions Online Shops, supermarkets, shopping malls, restaurants & retails

Price 200RMB-2000+RMB/bottle

ASC is the greatest fine wine importer in China sells more than 1,200 different kinds

of wine from 14 different countries. ASC has been position itself at high-end luxury

wine importer that provides Chinese consumers the

extensive choices and unparalleled quality of wine.

It has been qualified to be the wine education provider in

China which approved by Wine and Spirit Education

67 / 93

Trust (WSET). If TWE could have a positive partnership with ASC rather than simply

authorize the dealership to ASC, the prospect of expanding China’s wine market is


Appendix 5 Marco analysisPESTEL analysis

A Political, Economic, Social-culture, Technological, Economic and Legal (PESTEL)

Analysis examines the macro-environmental factors that influence the industry.

Political Factors

The wine industry in China enjoys a favorable political environment since China

becomes the member of World Trade Organization (WTO). Hence, increasingly

foreign competitors enter to the market to gain market share in China. From the year

2000 to 2012, import wines by China, both bottled and bulk wines, increased from 3.8

million cases to above 43 billion cases (Insel 2013).Specifically, from preferential

policies applied by Chinese government, the tariff for Australian wines is reduced by

3% from 2010 to 2012, and reduce 2% for year 2013 and 2014 (Ritman 2012).

However, with Xi, who took the China’s top post in 2012, starts the biggest Anti-

corruption campaign to consolidate his power, the volumes of import wines,

especially luxury wines, witness a sharp decreasing trend in the decent because most

of foreign wines are purchased for bribing officials. According to statistics from

Chinese Customs, it shows that the volumes and values of import wines in 2013 are

decreased compared with statistics of 2012 (2014). Focusing on TWE, the conpany is

mainly concentrating on luxury brands, such as Penfolds, Wolf Blass. And form

TWE’s annual report, statistics shows that the higher Net Sales Revenue was mainly

driven by increased volumes and allocation of Penfolds Luxury wines in China (TWE

2013). But, statistics presented by China Customs shows that Australia (as one of the

main winemaking region by TWE) witnesses a deep decreasing of export volume in

Chinese market in the year of 2013 (about 28.2% compared with last year). As a

68 / 93

result, TWE is facing an unpredictable challenge since 2013 and the situation will

continue to influence TWE in Chinese mareket in the following years.

Economic Factors

Fresh economic figures for the year of 2014 released by China's National Bureau

show that GDP grew by 7.7% to 56.88 trillion yuan (2014). Moreover, The State

Council of China predicts that it will continue to retain at this level in the future years

which means that China will continue in a stable economic situation. From average

income respect, the statistic figures published by China’s National Bureau shows that

per capita disposable income in China increased 8.1% compared with last year which

was 18,311 yuan (2014). Moreover, Chinese government’s work report released that

the unemployment rate of China dropped to 4.05% last year. All these statistics show

that Chinese people have more disposable income which presents exciting growth

opportunities for international organizations to enter the market. TWE is

unexceptional take advantages since the year of 2009 when ASC fine wines took the

exclusive franchise of Brand Panfolds (one of its reputational brands). Then, more and

more TWE’s brands enter to Chinese market to satisfy Chinese demand. Even though

most of import wines are facing challenges in this market because of the influence of

global economic recession, China is still a market with enormous potential.

Social-culture Factors

Statistics released by Chinese Customs display that consumption of import wines are

mostly in big cities, such as Shanghai and Guangzhou, which occupied over 50% of

whole volumes (2014). It mainly because middle class in big cities change their

consumer behaviors influenced by western educated new generation, increasing

western expatriates and international companies enter to big cities.

China’s urbanization process is recognized as internal migration which means

increasing people are living in cities rather than rural areas. Statistics presented by

China Human Development displays the urbanization rate of China has increased

rapidly from 17.9% go to 52.6% between 1978 and 2012, with an average annual

69 / 93

addition at 1.02% points (2013). And Chinese government predicts that nearly 300

million people are expected to move to big cities in the next two decades (China

Human Development 2013). As a result, it will produce more middle class and

witnesses the change the behaviors of increasing urban customers. To be specific,

more and more urban residents start to drink grape wines especially import wines

because they regard COO (country – of - origin) as an important factor while

purchasing (Mitry 2009). Therefore, increasing people prefer to drink grape wines

influenced by “red wine rush” in modern cities in China. TWE, as a unique global

wine company, within over than 80 brands of wines, has already take advantages in

the market.

Technology Factors

Statistics from China's National Bureau present that china now has over 600 million

internet users (CNNIC, 2014), representing the largest population of net users in the

world. Companies expend investment to create a more transparent and convenient

online shopping environment for netizens to do online shopping (Gong 2013). Since

the first B2C (Business to Customer) website, established in 1999, China’s

e-commercial develop rapidly (Weng and Lee, 2009; Shanghai Business Review,

2010). And then the biggest online shopping web established by Mr Ma in

2003. From now on, rapidly increasing netizens search information of the products

and then purchase online which is good news for import products because they can

reach more customers, present their products in their homepage and then ordered by

customers online. For TWE, it releases latest news on their internet such as new

products, promotion information. For example, ASC Fine Wine, who is the exclusive

retailer of Penfolds in China, offer online purchasing service and customers can order

Penfolds wine products and the order will be delivered in 24 hours.

However, it also has a bad effect such as increasing counterfeit goods and fake

products sold on the internet. Compared with western market, C2C (customer to

customer just like eBay in Australia) e-commercial is widely used in China which

occupied over than 90% of total online sales (CNNIC, 2014). For example, buyers are

70 / 93

allowed shop in C2C bazaar B2C brand stores in which is the largest

online shopping website. But online suppliers are selling fake wines to customers

which will influence the reputation of brands. For example, Chinese government

released the news that Chinese security officers detected a case of 40 million fake

wines online. Evidences have shown that there are some online retailers selling fake

Penflods on It is unbelievable that the price of Penfolds Bin 389 Cabernet

Shiraz is only about 25 yuan in China.

Ecological Factors

According to the news report, millions of people in China are breathing hazardous

dense chemicals and haze has covered about 4 million square kilometers of China in

2013 January (Xu 2013). These chemicals are polluted by power plants, heavily

polluting factories and vehicle plants and it links to unhealthy development of

economic (Xu 2013). Experts warned that haze in China in more horrible than that of

SARS epidemic because there are more carcinogenic in Haze weather than cigarettes

and it widely influence the health of the whole generation. Evidences have shown that

increasing people have heart disease, stroke, cancer, cerebrovascular diseases and

birth defects in China (Xu 2013). Moreover, it will become a big barrier of foreign

executives to work in this country result in the bad working environment (Thomas

2014). About 50% of investigated companies are concerning the air pollution issues

will be the difficulty for recruiting and retaining top foreign executives in China

(Thomas 2014). Referring to TWE, smog causes problems for recruitment executives

to work in China which will be the barriers of explore Chinese market strategy.

Legal Factors

Recently, several laws are decreed by Chinese government which will impact on

import wines in China. Firstly, Chinese government implements new laws against

drunk driving. Therefore, Chinese drivers will be examined by using random breath

test and if the alcohol level in their blood is higher than 80% of every 100 milliliters,

they will be facing the driver license revoked forever and 3-month in prison (Road

71 / 93

Traffic Safety Law 2012). Secondly, from the latest Import and export food safety

law, Chinese government decreed a new limit of 2 mg/L manganese for import wines

(2014). As a result, more than 23 percent of the import wines are rejected due to the

unacceptable levels of manganese (Grapegrower & Winemaker 2014). Since the wine

advertising regulation executed on 21 February 2014, wine advertisings are not

allowed to place at above province platforms. Moreover, wine TV advertisings forbid

drinking alcohol actions, direct or indirect reveal functions such as eliminate stress

and anxiety, etc (SARFT 2014). If wine companies disobey any one of the refutations,

they will be punished based on China Law of Advertising. According to the

regulations decreed by Chinese government, TWE is facing difficulties managing

across culture.

72 / 93

Appendix 6 Internal analysis3.1 Internal environment

This section outlines the strengths and weaknesses of TWE in terms of internal


3.1.1 Strengths

There are some internal capabilities of TWE result in supporting the organization to

take advantages in Chinese market.

Outstanding People working for TWE in Asia

In order to realize the ambition to become the most successful wine company over the

world, TWE employs many talent people working for the organization. The general

manager of Great China is Mr Liu who has 10 years experience in consumer goods,

beer and wine specifically in Chinese market.

The portfolio of our brands

TWE holds 82 brands in 3 production regions which are ANZ (Australia & Zew

Zealand), America and EMEA (Europe, Middle East &Africa). Brands of the

organization can be divided to 3 levels including exceptional brands, luxury and

masstige wines, commercial portfolio. TWE produces several exceptional brands such

as Penfolds Grange Bin 95, Australia (2006). And there are also some luxury

portfolios of luxury wines offered by TWE including Penflods (such as Penflods BIN

389, BIN 407), Wolf Blass, Lindeman’s, Beringer, Rosemount Estate. Some of

commercial brands present a quality with reasonable price, such as Wynns

Coonawarra Estate, Pepperjack, Coldseream Hills, Heemskerk, Yelloglen, Devil’s

73 / 93

Lair, Seppelt, Matua, Stags’ Leap, Gabbiand, Chateu ST.Jean, Greg Norman Estates.

A commitment of the quality

All wines offered by TWE are committed with good quality because the organization

put the quality of wines ahead of quantity. There are some evidences presented in

FY13 (shown in Appendix). For example, one of the exceptional brands owned by

TWE, Penfolds Grange Bin 95, Australia 2008, is awarded a perfect of 100 points by

The Wine Advocate. It was the second time it won the award since 1976 and it is a

strong statement of the successful of this brand. According to latest news released by

TWE, the company won 84 awards in International Wine & Spirit Competition

(IWSC), including 9 of gold awards.

Varieties of TWE’s Products from different origins

TWE produces varieties of products including red wines, white wines and sparkling.

And different products witness the need of different Chinese customers such as

business people,wine lovers, high income consumers,white-collars, and average


Types of red wines including Shiraz, Merlot, Cabernet sauvignon, Malbec, Pinot

noir, Zinfandel, Sangiovese and Barbera.

Types of white wines including Chardonnay, Riesling, Sauvingnon Blanc,

Semillon, Pinot Grigio and Pinot Gris, Verdelho.

Best sparkling wines in Australia with significant carbon dioxide in it.

Different origins of wines including Australia, New Zealand, America etc.

Packaged with screw caps & NNPB bottle

All wines from TWE are using screw caps instead of corks to keep wines sealed and

oxygen is hardly ingress into the bottles. Since screw caps successfully used in wine

industry in Australia, wineries form TWE started to use screw caps which effectively

prevent bottled wines from oxygen and of cork taint. As a result, increasingly

wineries, both new world wines and old world wines, are using screw caps because it

74 / 93

can prevent wines’ aromatic and tannins.

Most of TWE’s wineries are using Narrow Neck Press and Blow (NNPB) bottles

which are 18% to 28% lighter than regular wine bottles. And it is significant for

international market, including China, because it will reduce the cost of distributions.

Trade events and education programs in China

Some education programs as follows:

Wine Australia won the ‘Best Wine Culture Promotion Organization’ awarded by

China magazine.

Work with A+ Australian Wine specialists in China to release latest news of

Australian wines to Chinese customers.

One of TWE’s retailers, ASC Fine Wines – The first provider of WSET programs

in mainland China

TWE held Wine testing events in big cities and some secondandthird-tiercities

Trade events participated by TWE

China National Food, Wine and Spirits Fair in Chengdu

Hong Kong International Wine and Spirits Fair

China International Grape Wine Exhibition in Guangdong

Sales management in China

The office of Great China is located in Shanghai which is the biggest city of China.

And sales region has been divided into 4 areas which are East Region, West Region,

North Region and South Region. Regional managers in each region working together

with their sales team to build up TWE’s brands and improve the sales. Compared with

the performance in past years, TWE’s professional sales team of China is now

focusing more on small cities and devotes to reach more customers.

Multi distribution channels

TWE distributes different brands by using different channels. On trade is mainly used

for luxury brands which be delivered to bars, five-star-hotel, restaurants, SPA and

75 / 93

KTV. Some of well-known brands are authorized by specific retailers who have the

unique right to sell the brands in specific regions. Some other commercial brands are

distributed to hypermarkets, convenience stores, souvenir boutique.

3.1.2 Weaknesses

There are still some weaknesses of TWE existed which will affect the performance of

the organization in Chinese market.

Some of wines are in short supply

The expansion of TWE’s sales in China has been limited by the shortage of some

premium brands, including Penfolds Grange Bin 95, Australia 2008, in the market

(from TWE Annual Report 2013).

Increasing cost of production

The cost of wine production increased seen from Annual Report 2013. The cost of

goods sold increased by 2.09 dollars per case result in the bad weather condition in

the year of 2011 in Australia and America.

Excessive brands result in difficulties of branding

There are more than 80 brands in TWE and over 30 brands are now existed in China.

TWE pays more attention on well-known brands such as Penflods and Wolf Blass

because it is a tough work to build up all of these brands. As a result, some of the

reputational brands suffer a passionless treatment in China including the NO.1 sales of

Shiraz in Australia– PAPPERJACK. Therefore, as annual report mentioned that

everyday brands building relates to investment in advertising and promotion.

However, TWE now is considering cost cutting, the organization are lack of

investment and hardly invest millions dollars to build up 80 brands in China.

Incomplete distribution network and business system

Even though TWE built up varieties channels to distribute its wines, the distribution

network is still incomplete and the business system is still effectiveness. The reasons

are as follows. Firstly, importers and retailers are lack of education and wine

knowledge result in difficulties of delivering wine knowledge to customers. Secondly,

76 / 93

most of sales managers are major in marketing but lack of wine background and it is

hard for TWE to train all sales. Thirdly, it existed irregular operation in some souvenir

boutiques. All these factors influenced the effective operation of distribution network

and business system.

Bad financial situation

From the TWE’s Annual Report 2013, it is obviously shown that TEW is facing

financial problems. From the annual report, it is obviously that the cash and cash

equivalents decreased from 28.6 to 10.8 between 2012 and 2013 even though the

working capital increased. Here are some reasons.

The time required from winemaking to selling of luxury brands will take about 14

years while the time of commercial brands is only about 5 years. But, TWE is

mainly focusing on Luxury brands rather than commercial brands. To conclude,

TWE need to invest more money to build up luxury supply chain until it rewards.

Foreign exchange is another risk as the Australian dollar presents a strong

performance which will affect the export trades.

There are too much brands owned by TWE, and the organization is still in the

process of adjustment. It results in lack of money to invest in all brands.

Decreasing sales of premium wines

According to the latest news from TWE’s website, the volume of TWE’s export wines

in China decreased 17% because of the decreasing need of luxury wines influenced by

Anti-corruption campaign.

77 / 93

Appendix 7 Competitor analysis1.0 Competitors of TWE in China

The competitors of TWE can be divided into domestic companies, old world wine

exporters, new world wine exporters (except TWE) and ‘fake’ wine makers.

2.0 Domestic companies

The top three domestic wines are Chang Yu, Great Wall, and Dynasty which occupied

over 49 per cent of the whole market share of China (Lin 2013). Take Chang Yu

Company Limited for example, it is the leader of Chinese grape and it holds about 20

per cent of the market share in china in the year of 2009 (Lin 2013). Here are some

comparisons between Chang Yu and TWE (cited from TWE’s Annual Report &

Chang Yu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd. 2013 Semi-annual Report).

Name Chang Yu Company Limited (wines) Treasure Wine Estate

ProductsGrape Wines, Brandy, Sparkling,

Healthy Wines, Ice WinesGrape Wines, Sparkling

RegionsEastern Region, Middle Region,


History 120 years 170 years


Brands Jiebaina,

Penfolds, Wolf Blass, Rosemount,

Beringer, Lindemans, etc.



3 levels mainly composed of the CY’s

salesmen and dealers

4 levels, executive, non-executive, retailer,


NSR 326,349,976AUD 135,400,000AUD(Asia)

Cash and 16,081,426AUD 10,800,000AUD

78 / 93





l8 - 12 AUD 15 – 22 AUD

Mudium 15 – 22 AUD 50 – 200 AUD

Luxury 50 – 80 AUD 300 – 800 AUD

Prices Of



Jiebaina (Red Wine) 8AUD (700ml) Wolf Blass (Shariz) 20 AUD(750ml)

Cabernet Sauvignon 16AUD (750ml) Penfolds Bin 389 (2009) 75AUD(750ml)

CHATEAU FIP 83AUD (750ml) Penfolds Grange 660AUD(750ml)

From the table above, it is obviously shown that


TWE owns more well-known brands and the wines produced by TWE present

higher quality than that of Chang Yu’s

TWE has longer history of winemaking and sells its wines widely over the world.

Compare the distribution channels between TWE and Chang Yu, TWE is mainly

based on retailers which reducing the cost of business while the sales of Chang

Yu mainly relies on salesman.


Compared the prices of wines between TWE and Chang Yu, they present that

wines of TWE more much higher than that of Chang Yu’s.

The NSR between these two organizations show that Chang Yu still occupied

more market share than that of TWE in China.

Retailers of TWE are lack of knowledge about TWE’s wines while salesmen from

Chang Yu are more pensionable and knowledgeable.

3.0 Old world wine exporters

From the context presented in part two, it is obviously shown that old world wines are

still the major import wines in China. France, as a famous region of old world wines,

takes over than 35 per cent of the whole volume of import wines (China Customs

79 / 93

2013). For example, wines from Bordeaux are the most famous wine region in France

and this region counts for 60 per cent of the best quality French wines.

The following table shows the comparison between old world wines and new world


Attributes Old world wines New world wines

RegionsFrance, Italy, Spain, German

Portugal, Austria

Australia, America, Chile,

Argentina, New Zealand

History Hundreds to thousands 2-3 Hundreds

Planting Nature way New technologic irrigation

Winemaking Low output, but high quality Industrialized - production

Regulation Standardized No

PackagingRegion, style

Corks, Traditional heavy bottles

Grape varieties, Color

Screw caps, NNBP bottles

Scale Small Large

Craft Traditional New Technology & Management

TasteGraceful, Balance


Varieties, Passionate,

Fruity Aroma



Châ teau Latour,

Chateau Lafite Rothschild

Penfolds, Jacob’s Creek

Chateau Ste. Michelle

From the table above, it is obviously shown that

Strengths (TWE produces new world wines)

The taste of new world wines is more varieties, passionate with fruit aroma

compared with old world wines

New world wines are using new technologies to plant and make wines resulted in

the harvest are less affected by climate changes.

The scale of production of new world wines is larger than that of old world.

The average prices of new world wines are lower than that of old wines.

New world wines are using screw caps and NNBP bottles to reduce its cost.


80 / 93

Old world wines witness longer history and more reputational brands

Old world wines pay more attention on quality than quantity.

Old world wines have strict regulations and divides wines to A.O.C, V.D.Q.S, Vin

de Pays, Vin de Table.

The premium levels of old world wines are higher than that of new world wines’.

For example, Lafite’s price is soaring over than 30 per cent in last decade (Lin


4.0 New world wine exporters (except TWE)

Most of TWE’s wines are from America, ANZ, and EMEA. And statistics from China

Customs has shown that Chile is a competitive exporter in Chinese market especially

in the performance of bulked wines.


The prices of wines from Chile are much lower than that of TWE’s.

The volumes of bulked wines export to China is much small than that of Chile’s.

Even though there are over than 80 brands owned by TWE and TWE takes advantages

in Chinese market. Some other new world wineries show competitive performances.

Here are some performances of Brands owned by Orchid Wine Estate (an Australian

wine estate only focus on Chinese market).

Jerrassa Estate, an Australian brand only launched in China, used to be the best

sells of South Australian wines in Chinese market in the year 2012.

Cape Jaffa Wines uses biodynamic to make an organic wine and launched in

China in 2013.

Pollen Wines launched a series of wines named Post Love in 2013 in China. And

it is not only about quality but also about telling a story to customers.

Also, there are some other new world wine brands

Jacob’s Creek is the best sales of Australian Bottled Wines in China in 2013. And

from the Annual Report of Jacob’s Creek 2012, the sales of its wines increased 32

per cent. The objective of Jacob's Creek in China is sales reach to 800 million to

1600 million in 2014.

81 / 93

5.0 ‘Fake’ wines and smuggled goods

“Fake” wines exist in China and it leads to negative effects of reputation of TWE’s

wines. Search one of famous Chinese C2C website,, it is easy ro

find out some fake wines. The examples are as follows.

Brand Fake wines’ prices Normal prices

Penfolds Bin 389 (2009) 25 – 150 RMB 500 – 600 RMB

Grange 250 – 600 RMB 4000 – 10000 RMB

“Fake” wines:

Some business men are still selling smuggled goods of TWE’s wines which will

produce negative effects. Many high-end wines are passed through the zero tax zones

of Hong Kong and Macau to Chinese market to avoid high tax.

82 / 93

Appendix 8 Market & ConsumersIt was evidence that Chinese wine consumers are mainly in the catalogue of well-

educated, higher income and aged between 18 and 55 years old. From the perspective

of gender segmentation, one study found that the most common purchase frequency

for male was between once or twice a quarter and twice a year (Liu, et al., 2014). The

general purchase frequency for female was once a quarter to twice a year (Liu, et al.,

2014). Therefore, the actual difference between the genders was negligible small.

Chinese customers considered that wine was not dispensable in their daily life, or

even a kind of luxury products that they unable to afford during the era of material

deprivation and economic depression, they would like to spend every cent on the

necessities. However with the mushrooming economy during 1990s followed by a

steady and feasible economic increase in 2000s, the disposable income in the families

of China’s urban cities (and rural areas) has a corresponding growth, consumers

nowadays have more spare money to spend in those product which could improve

their quality of life. Thus it can be obvious to find out that China has the huge

potential in wine market.

Table 1 China Major cities Annual Disposable Income (Top 10)3

2013 China Major Cities Annual Disposable Income (¥)

Rank City 2013 Note1 Shenzhen 44650 NA2 Shanghai 43851 9.20%3 Dongguan 42944 NA4 Guangzhou 42066 10.50%5 Ningbo 41657 9.50%6 Xiamen 41360 10.10%7 Shaoxing 40454 9.60%8 Beijing 40321 10.60%9 Nanjing 39881 9.80%10 Suzhou 39079 NA

3 The currency exchange of AUD to Chinese Yuan is 1:5.81 at 18 June 014 83 / 93

Average 41626.3 9.90%It is worth to highlight that the young generation of today’s China occupies a unique

and significant position in the society due to the well-recognized birth policy

implemented in 1979. Young people who aged 18-35 (TWE’s the most potential

customer bases) happen to be deeply influenced by this policy as they virtually has

become the ‘focus spot’ within the family. Unlike the old generation, they have been

holding a more complex attitude and perception towards the marketing mix (products,

price, place, promotion, people, process and physical environment). (Gong, et al.,

2004). According to Table 2, it is clearly showed that there was about 30 per cent of

population is occupied by this group of people. In addition, with the relaxation of

Chinese birth policy that a family could have one more child if the parents are the

only child in their respective family, the market and consumer base would keep

expanding in the foreseeable future.

Table 2 the Sixth Demographic Census of China (2010)4

2010 The Sixth Demographic Census Total Male Female ProportionTotal Population 1332810869 682329104 650481765 100

0--4 75532610 41062566 34470044 5.675--9 70881549 38464665 32416884 5.32

10--14 74908462 40267277 34641185 5.6215--19 99889114 51904830 47984284 7.4920--24 127412518 64008573 63403845 9.5625--29 101013852 50837038 50176814 7.5830--34 97138203 49521822 47616381 7.2935--39 118025959 60391104 57634855 8.8640--44 124753964 63608678 61145286 9.3645--49 105594553 53776418 51818135 7.9250--54 78753171 40363234 38389937 5.9155--59 81312474 41082938 40229536 6.160--64 58667282 29834426 28832856 4.415--34 425453687 216272263 209181424 31.92

(National Statistic Bureau of People's Republic of China, 2010)

4.2 Confucian Tradition VS. Western Culture

4 Due to the sufficient data and limited transparency of Chinese Government, the 2010 demographic census is the latest and the most accurate data that collected from official website

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Generation after generation, Confucianism-the traditional culture values from a

unique system has been deeply influenced Chinese consumers, the young generation

is no exception. Confucian tradition is the main culture that has been penetrated

China’s 5000 years culture. Chinese consumers nowadays are influenced by this

particular culture more or less (Wong & Aaron, 1998). The main reason that leads

Chinese consumers’ consumption of a bottle of foreign wine is well known as ‘face’

(mianzi). Face is a slang describe a mentality which people highly value other’s

impression in terms of their apparel, behavior and deportment within the same

interpersonal circle and is claimed as the key motivation that explain much of their

buying behavior (Wong & Aaron, 1998). Confucian culture predisposes consumers on

the focus of public meaning of the product rather than the product itself (Wong &

Aaron, 1998). Consumers with Confucian culture are usually under the pressure of

achieving others’ expectation to preserve their self-esteem. Face is significantly

important to Chinese in their process of decision making when purchase a product in

order to get other’s good impression about oneself. Thus, Chinese consumer would

willing to purchase red wine simply because the group members considered the wine

is decent.

Furthermore, the social hierarchy system has been also profoundly influencing

Chinese consumers. For example, a son must obey what the father said regardless of

right or wrong in ancient China, though this principle has been gradually relaxing

since the China’s economic reformation era, it still affect most of consumer’s

decision when they were in a buying situation. Therefore, consumers would willing to

purchase wine if the parents asked so. In addition, wine has been seen as a luxury

product in China, this concept has been accepted by previous generation on a large

scale, and luxury product has been viewed as socially appropriate in a large number of

situation (Wong & Aaron, 1998). Thus, a person would purchase a bottle of luxury

wine since he/she consider it would be an honor event to the family.

Also, people with Confucian culture background would be suffering from the stress of

being embarrassed. The consumption of wine among Chinese customers highly

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emphasize on their public reputation among the group of people. For example, if the

majority of people drink wine in a particular occasion, then the person who drinks

beer or foreign spirits would be isolated imperceptibly (Wong & Aaron, 1998),

challenging the group’s norm is often discouraged.

It is noteworthy that Chinese wine consumers are more like to purchase luxury wine

as the gifts exchange, which also is the influence of ‘face’ concept. Some of new rich

Chinese would not purchase a bottle wine unless it is expensive. Though this

phenomenon is far from universal, it is still a matter of concern when TWE is

developing its marketing strategic plan.

Nevertheless, Chinese young generation has been grown up under an astonishing

economic development within a short period of time, which provide many

opportunities for them to extend their insight towards the world and change their

perception of purchasing by influencing them with strong storm of westernization

(Gong, et al., 2004).

Worshipping towards western brand is not a new phenomenon in China any more due

to the effect of westernization. Today, young generation usually hold a wish list that

full of western brand such as Nike’s sneakers, Levi’s Jeans or Gucci’s tote bags. For

example, Starbucks has become the most popular place for gathering among Chinese

youth that were considered as typically tea drinkers (Gong, et al., 2004). Unlike the

old generation’s patriotism, the young generation has been more open-minded while

they are still involved in Confucian culture background, they are holding quite

positive attitude towards western products. For the first time in Chinese history, young

people were seen as full-fledged consumers commanding respect in current

development of economy and expansion of market (Gong, et al., 2004).

This type of Chinese young consumers tend to be more independent within the group

and hold the attitude that ‘loyal to oneself’, which owing to the open-door policy that

invite the western culture into China. Young consumers are seeking prestige and status

in products that could represent their taste and attitude (Li, et al., 2009). Therefore,

they tend to select the product that is unique but less expensive in order to satisfy their

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desire towards novelty, in another word, the young generation tend to put more focus

on cost-efficiency. In addition, red wine has been given a sense of life style that is

romantic and relaxed, young people in China buy the idea of red wine more than wine


4.3 Price & Occasion

It has been evidence that price related strictly to the occasions (Liu & Murphy, 2007).

The term of occasion in Chinese is mainly focus on who the one socialize with rather

than the place. There were no significant distinguish between older generation and

young generation. Both of them think it is worth to purchase an expensive bottle of

wine when they are involved in business dinner as it’s include more strangers (Liu &

Murphy, 2007) When there was a private date, young generation would be more

willing to purchase a relatively expensive bottle of wine when compare with the old

generation (Liu & Murphy, 2007).

4.4 Health Concern & Country-of-Origin

Traditional Chinese medicine is intrinsically major part of Chinese culture proposed

that the aim of medication is to improve health by focusing the whole condition of

human body rather than simply treat the signs or symptoms of a particular disease,

therefore promote the quality of life (Somogyi, et al., 2011). It has been believed that

liquor could stimulate the function of medicine into effective work, accelerate the

blood circulation, drinking small amount of liquor occasionally would help to

maintain expected fitness (Somogyi, et al., 2011).

Put the well-known health benefits of red wine aside, with the continuous increasing

misgivings and uneasy feeling towards China’s food safety, more and more customers

are holding negative attitudes on food that made in China. Those food product that

were made in modern western country have been having an increased advantages

towards Chinese market. Chinese wine consumers believe that even though the wine

may not provide expected benefits to them, at least they do no harm (China Food and

Drug Administration, 2013).

4.5 Word-of-mouth

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Wine indeed is an expensive product, consumers usually do not discern whether or not

the wine meet their expectation of quality of taste. However, customers often use

extrinsic factors over quality in their decision making process (Camillo, 2012; Hu, et

al., 2008). Word-of-mouth is an important element of the decisive factors. For

example, wine consumers’ buying decisions depend on other’s (such as colleagues,

family members, friends etc.) overall assessment or recommendation of the product.

Kolyesnikova (2008) pointed out that wine markets are complex environments for

wine consumers, especially for Chinese wine customers due to their limited wine

knowledge, because wine market usually are fragmented and often have a wide

variety of products. As a result, wine consumers are likely to rely on other’s


4.6 Brand and Labeling

Brand and label are the first image deliver certain wine information to the consumers.

Brand also represent a promise made regarding what customers can expect from a

product (Gordon, 2002). For example, Penfolds’ such good reputation among Chinese

consumers has to be owing to its brand name. ‘Benfu’, it Chinese name means a

thoroughfare towards the prosperity and wealth, which sounds like a good wish. Wolf

Blass, another TWE’s top luxury wine brand in China, also benefit from its ingenuity

brand name.

Many of Chinese consumers stated that they could hardly understand the foreign

language on the label, therefore such information like food suggestion for the wine,

technical information and the story behind the bottle of wine should be translated into

Chinese on the label in order to effectively delivery necessary information to the

consumers. Furthermore, due to the limited knowledge of wine, Chinese consumers

are seeking a kind of sense of security in terms of knowing whether the wine they are

drinking gives out a positive image to maintain their face, the information on the label

could ease their anxiety somehow (Hu, et al., 2008).

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Appendix 9 Industry Analysis

Industry Analysis

There are five forces to analysis wine industry in terms of bargaining power of buyers, bargaining

power of suppliers, threat of substitutes, threat of new entrants and existing competitors (Porter


Bargaining power of buyers

Wine sales have two mainly types to sell wine, which are franchiser and exclusive shop. But final

client is consumer whose bargaining power influences the final wine price. There are three aspects

to relate to bargaining power of consumers in terms of wine consumption elasticity, expected

prices and wine supply and demand.

Buyer has greater flexibly in wine consumption. It is mainly from the social needs and individual

needs. To be more specific, the social needs attach more importance to social information that is

transported from wine. This is reflected the brand of wine, price, packaging and items flavor, but

the individual needs pay more attention on wine flavor and cost performance (Wine market in

China 2010).

The consumer price expectation of wine is floating with the product brand. In terms of social

communication, consumer has lower sensitivity in personal consumption (Wine market in China

2010). In addition, the consumer with price sensitivity is low for the famous brand of wine, on the

other hand, consumer with price sensitivity is high for the average brand of wine especially in the

lack of identification ability of consumers (Wine market in China 2010).

The relationship between wine supply and demand is one of the most important factors to

influence bargaining power of consumers. With the growing of the wine market supply, wine

products are diversified to reflect different countries, tastes, brands and prices wine product range.

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These are to improve the bargaining power of consumers.

Bargaining power of supplier

For an Australian winey, one of the major supply decisions lies with the key product ingredients

such as wine grapes and juice that are mainly from Australian wineries (Sheales et al 2006). It has

several chooses that include owning the vineyard, buying grapes and buying juice. These two

options in purchasing grape and juice to improve wineries bargaining power of Australian supplies

is commonly strengthen in imported market of rich in wine grape growing experience.

Threat of Substitutes

Wine is gradually be recognized by the market, although there has difference of market

positioning to compare with spirits and beers, the substitutes between themselves still strong. To

compare with spirits, beer and wine are developed after that, and the result of them market

development is steady occupying spirits market. For example, wine consumption in Australian has

increased. In other words, it is moving from beer consumer to wine consumer that caused by

changing in the consumer habits. According to data by Jenster (2008), beer consumption has

decreased broadly from 137.4 liters in volume down to 92.8 liters in volume from 1980 to 1999,

but wine consumption has risen from 13.0 liters in volume in 1980 to 20.4 liters in volume in 1999

( Chameeva 2009 ) . In addition, winein Chinese market is facing competition between

traditional spirits and low price beer that competition strategy as switching to brand product that

are located in medium level of market. Clearly, it could attract more consumers from tradition


Threat of new entrants

In general a winery is not an easy business to start due to it is complex industry and complex value

chain. That means it is facing a series of issues that include capital, land, materials, technological

employees, brand and market. And a strong knowledge base is also required in order to make high

quality wine and understand the complexities of the industry. Therefore, it is very difficult to enter.

However, due to opening of import and export market and the decline in import tariffs in Asian

market especially in the Chinese market (Jenster 2008). The requirement of Chinese market has

increased rapidly and thus there are relatively to entrance.

Rivalry among existing competitors

Although wine in the Chinese market has increased fast, there are many competitors in wine

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industry such as different imported brand products from old or new worlds. It increases the wine

market more competitive. To compare with dominating Chinese wine, the imported wine from

Australia accounts for 21% of volume sales, while France wine is 40% of volume in China in 2011

(Jeremy 2010). As imported wine is competed in the high-end market, its market share in terms of

revenue is high. Therefore, Australian wines have a powerful opportunity to showcase in wine

wares to the Chinese market.

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